Care Wellness Center now offers Laser Acupuncture to our patients in the Margate, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs communities. Dr Cheryl Yelverton is full trained and certified to utilize The Aura PTL II Laser Acupuncture system and has been obtaining amazing results with her patients. If your hesitant about traditional acupuncture needles or would just like to experience the awesome, powerful healing potential of this laser then give us a call today to get started!
The Evolution of Laser Acupuncture
Modern medical technology has evolved to revolutionize the effectiveness and comfort of the ancient traditional practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture has been a part of holistic medical disciplines used in multiple countries for centuries. In recent decades, scientists have, with incremental success, attempted to definitively identify the locations and properties of the meridians (or channels) and points used to conduct acupuncture treatments.
Points have been demonstrated to have significantly increased electrical conductivity and markedly increased afferent fiber convergence without similar findings identified in tissues not associated with established acupuncture points and meridians. These points can be stimulated by touch, massage, needle insertion or electricity. Until recently, the most efficient way to stimulate and manipulate them is with needles inserted into the Qi-well at the center of each point.
Introducing The Aura PTL II Laser Acupuncture system at Care Wellness Center
The Aura PTL II low level light laser is an FDA registered, 635nm Class IIIa pulse laser, Class II medical device capable of up to 9,999 possible program settings. It is the only LLL laser pre-programmed with thousands of effective treatment frequencies accessible individually and packaged into integrated treatment protocols capable of addressing both acute pathologies and common, complex fundamental constitutional conditions.
The unique low level light frequencies employed are capable of activating acupuncture points with an efficacy equal or greater than use of acupuncture needles making it effective as a solo treatment or as an enhancement to traditional needle-based treatment.
Unlike most commercially approved treatment lasers in use today, the PTL II technology is capable of therapeutic precision through 12,000,000 pulses per second. Competitive products can only obtain similar precision through a range of several hundred to a couple thousand pulses per second.
In addition, the Aura PTL II laser is the only hybrid pulse induction low level light therapy system available and the only system to incorporate energetically based substance specific frequencies allowing tissue- and organ-specific information to be imparted directly into the body to influence and facilitate healing.
What Patients Can Expect from the Laser Acupuncture system
The PTL II laser program is designed to be used to treat conditions diagnosed in Western medicine via Acupuncture. To facilitate the determination of a condition, a series of questionnaires are completed by patients before their initial visit. These questionnaires help define underlying issues or deficiencies that may contribute to but are not necessarily obviously connected to the complaint for which patients initially seek treatment.
Treatment of these conditions may be incorporated into the unique program designed by the treating practitioner. The questionnaires, preliminary diagnosis and fundamental treatment program are discussed with the patient during the initial consultation and the first treatment given during the consultation.
Treatment programs are usually designed to be conducted in 12 visits given over 6-12 weeks, depending upon patient availability and scheduling limitations and include a foundational program which will address the major contributing factor of their complaint.
Additional programs are overlaid onto the foundation program and woven throughout subsequent visits. After the consultation, which may take 30-45 minutes and includes the first treatment, subsequent visits will take 15-25 minutes depending upon how many programs are included in that day’s visit.
Here is a partial list of conditions readily treated with the Aura PTL II laser system:
• Smoking Cessation
• Acute and Chronic Fatigue
• Allergies and Sensitivities
• Adrenal Fatigue
• Eye and Ear disorders
• Glaucoma
• Tinnitus
• Bedwetting
• Diabetes
• Hormone Imbalances
• Immune Support
• Emotional Imbalances
• RLS – restless leg syndrome
• System Detoxification
• Thyroid Imbalance
• Herpes Simplex Pain
• Musculoskeletal Pain
• Shingles Pain
• Dementia/ADD
• Arthritis/Joint Pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Neurological Pain
• Paresthesia
• Trigeminal neuralgia
• Carpal tunnel
• Diabetic neuropathy
• Nerve root compression/ Sciatica
• Tremors
• Skin Disorders
• Tendinitis / Fasciitis
• Insomnia
• Post-traumatic Pain
• Cancer Support
• Anxiety/Depression/Stress
• Post-surgical Pain
• Anti-aging
• Vasculitis/Varicose Veins
The Benefits of Laser Therapy are quick, effective and long lasting
With the application of laser light therapy or laser acupuncture, a wide range of medical conditions can be addressed. It is non-invasive, non-toxic with no known adverse effects or drug interactions. Laser acupuncture often makes surgical interventions unnecessary. This is a great treatment alternative for those that have not responded well to conventional medical treatments.
Schedule your first session with Dr. Cheryl Yelverton today by calling 954-586-8088