Chiropractic treatment differs in its approach to health from traditional medical care. Medical treatment is aimed at affecting the body with drugs and surgery to get it to conform to statistical norms. Chiropractors generally view the body as a self-repairing system that will properly maintain itself without much outside intervention […]
Care Wellness Blog
How Does Chiropractic Work
How does chiropractic work? If you have been to a chiropractor before then you realize the benefits, especially when your back or neck is hurting. But if you have never tried chiropractic before then you might be wondering how it works and how you might benefit from it. We will […]
Treatment for Slip and Fall Accidents in Margate Florida
While many people are familiar with injuries caused by sports and automobile accidents, slip and fall accidents can cause significant injuries that require medical attention. Luckily, we offer treatment for slip and fall accidents at our Margate wellness center.
Auto Accident and Injury Treatment
Did you know that one in every eight drivers will be involved in an auto accident this year? This means that you need to be prepared. Would you know what to do, what questions to ask, and who to call? Also, many people assume that if they aren’t bleeding or […]
What is the Koren “No Crack” Technique?
Introducing the new Koren “No Crack” Technique! There are many individuals who still think that chiropractic care still uses old fashioned adjusting techniques such as “cracking and popping” in treating patients. If you are one of these individuals who think that chiropractors still use old-fashioned techniques to treat patients, it […]
Massage Therapy and Self Care
Today, more than ever, massage therapy and self-care are being recognized as a major player in the field of alternative medicine. I am thrilled that Massage Therapy has moved away from being viewed as an extra luxury on a cruise or an additional menu item at a five-star hotel. The […]